
Do you have Questions?

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry has been the industry’s standard dummy when an unknown printer.

Frequently Ask Questions

Is the work supervised?

Every client is assigned a dedicated account manager to ensure personalized follow-up and supervision of your home’s cleaning plan.

Do you offer any guarantee?

Absolutely, we offer satisfaction guarantees on all of our services. If you are not completely satisfied with the cleaning we provide, please contact us and we will be happy to rectify the situation.

Are your staff insured and bonded?

Yes, our staff is fully insured and bonded for your peace of mind. All our employees have been background checked and trained to provide the best service possible.

How many people clean my home?

Normally, we send only one cleaner per home, but depending on the size and needs of your home, we may send more cleaners.

Do you offer customizable cleaning services?

Yes, we offer customizable cleaning services. Our team will work with you to create a cleaning plan that fits your specific needs and preferences.

How often should I schedule cleaning services?

The frequency of cleaning services depends on your individual needs and preferences. Some customers prefer weekly or bi-weekly cleaning, while others choose monthly or occasional cleaning. We can work with you to create a schedule that meets your needs and budget.

What happens if I need to cancel or reschedule?

We understand that plans can change, please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel or reschedule your cleaning service. We require a minimum of 24 hours notice for cancellations or rescheduling.

Do I need to be home during the cleaning service?

It’s not necessary, but you can choose to be at home or leave a key or code for us to access your home.

Can I request the same cleaner for future bookings?

We ensure consistency by assigning the same cleaner to your home whenever possible. In case of unavailability, we’ll find a suitable replacement.

How will my pets be taken care of during the cleaning?

Our cleaners are trained to handle pets with care and respect. We understand that your pets are an important part of your family, so we ask that you inform us of their presence beforehand and provide any necessary instructions for their care during the cleaning process. We will make sure to keep them safe and comfortable while we work.

Make It Simple

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text ever since of the printing and typesetting industry.

Unique Work

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text ever since of the printing and typesetting industry.

Best Services

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text ever since of the printing and typesetting industry.